The latest from AFT Connecticut on the fallout from the Janus decision.
We expected and prepared for the U.S. Supreme Court's majority decision in the Januslawsuit. Still, the swiftness with which the special interests that bank-rolled it have cranked up their propaganda machine to trick union members into dropping their union membership has been stunning.
Within hours of the ruling, AFT Connecticut-affiliated locals reported receiving e-mail — on employer-provided addresses — with a bogus pitch to quit their union. The group responsible is part of a shadowy network of anti-worker “think tanks" funded by billionaires and CEOs, like the DeVos Family Foundation.
As we previously warned, members can expect union-busters to approach them by phone, on social media, via their work e-mail address and even by knocking on their door. That’s why last month we launched a petition drive to bring this abuse of public employees' personal information to the attention of candidates seeking our unions' support.
Click here for our "Which Side Are You On?" petition (sign it today, if you haven’t already).
John Brady, RN
Jan Hochadel