Some facts about UHP

(University Health Professionals, Local 3837 of the American Federation of Teachers)
AFT Connecticut is our state federation, which has 30,000 members, and UHP is the largest of the 90 AFT-CT locals.
AFT is our national affiliate, with 1.7 million members. UHP is the largest health care local of the 3,000 AFT locals!
We are members of SEBAC (State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition), the state coalition that negotiates our health care and retirement benefits. UHP currently holds the SEBAC voting rights for AFT CT.
We also have affiliations with the AFL-CIO, CT AFL-CIO, Greater Hartford Labor Chapter, Greater Bristol Labor Federation, and Eastern CT Area Labor Federation. We elect delegates to these federations and to CT AFL-CIO conventions.
As a new hire you have a six-month probation period.
If you feel you are having any issues we urge you to contact us ASAP.
UHP Local 3837
270 Farmington Ave., Suite 109
Mail code 6335
Farmington, CT 06032
Phone: 860-676-8444
We (normally) can be found outside the main cafeteria Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and periodically at other buildings and off-site locations.
Dues structure: $5.25 plus 1% of base pay, with a max of $40.93 per pay period
Print and sign a membership card
Your UHP elected officers and how to reach them
(amended April 2024)