I started work at UConn Health in 1996 as an operations manager and most recently, work as assistant director of facilities management and operations. This position has afforded me the ability to see the different divisions within UConn Health, and the different relationships between union members and management. I quickly realized how important the union is in protecting members’ rights within daily work, resolving their issues, and fighting to maintain members’ benefits. That is why in 1998, I became a union steward and union rep, and became a member of the negotiating team. I firmly believe that members' commitment to leadership roles make a strong union and strengthen our union movement.
I have worked hard to represent our union's membership from 1998 to the present. From 2011 to 2014, I served as Chief Steward, and I’ve been the VP Tier Tier I (salaried employees) since 2014. I was awarded Steward of the Year in 2013, received the UHP President's Award in 2012, and the AFT CT Soifer award in 2011. I have also served as a UHP representative to SEBAC for more than the past decade, working on programs such as HEP, the hybrid retirement plan, and the breakpoint recalculation program for SERS pensions.
I hope to continue fighting and protecting our union membership and need your vote to be re-elected Vice-President Tier 1 Employees. Thank you for your support.