You are invited to attend an all new webinar focusing on the brand new Connecticut "Safe Staffing" law, which requires hospitals to develop staffing plans for their hospital with healthcare workers. Patient limits will be established by requiring these plans be voted on by a majority of each healthcare facility's committee, which will be made up of 50% + 1 bedside nurses.
Come learn more about the new law and how you can help in creating safe patient limits in your hospital:
WHAT: Healthcare “Safe Patient Limits” Continuing Education Webinar
WHEN: Monday, August 28th from 6:00PM to 7:00PM (takes the place of regularly-scheduled Healthcare Council meeting)
WHERE: Online via Zoom (access info will be provided once registered)
HOW: Click here to join us (there's no cost for union members).
Presenters include AFT Vice President John Brady, RN, and myself, so plan to bring your questions on the new law for us to tackle.
Click here for more info on the webinar to share with fellow union members.
I hope you'll plan to join us online next month for this informative discussion on how you can work in a safer workplace.
More to come, and in solidarity,
Sherri Dayton, RN
Vice President for Nurses & Health Professionals, AFT Connecticut