The 19 delegates we sent to this year's CT AFL-CIO convention are among 254 registered delegates.

Once again we convened at Foxwoods, where five unions represent thousands of workers!
We passed 15 resolutions, including one to stand in support of the UAW, whose members went on strike against the "Big 3" automakers on the convention's second day.

"I heard from our fellow brothers and sisters who are fighting a great fight of change," says Shaneé Reid, our VP for membership activities. "Hearing their stories, from the firefighters to the teachers, my heart was pierced. Testimonies are why it is important that we stand together in this fight. United we stand, divided we fall. We have to stand together for change for the better. One voice is quiet but a thousand voices can send an earthquake!"
"The AFL-CIO convention was a fantastic way to meet and engage with other union members across many fields," Peter says. "The speakers offered several unique perspectives and ideas about the labor movement. It was helpful to discuss ideas with others about how to better engage our members and help strengthen our union. This conference gave me a better understanding of how broad and far reaching our union can be."

We heard from Tony Clark from the Major League Baseball Players Association, Rebecca Damon from SAG-AFTRA, and note union activist and author Bill Fletcher.
We also heard from elected officials including Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas, State Treasurer Erick Russell, State Sen. Julie Kushner, and State Sen. Jorge Cabrera.
"This was my second convention this year and I have to say that it was really interesting," says Liz Figueroa. "I was able to meet other members and hear some good guest speakers. Overall it was very helpful to have the members to share their experiences with us and we will continue working on helping them to solidify their experience."
The convention re-elected our president, Bill Garrity, to another term as one of the four CT AFL-CIO executive board members representing AFT-CT.

- Robin Addison
- Liz Barrientos
- Shawn Brown
- Chris DeFrancesco
- Laura Didden
- Liz Figueroa
- Bill Garrity
- Christine Judd
- Summer Lambert
- Pierre LePage
- Jean Morningstar
- Michelle Proper
- Shaneé Reid
- Robin Roark
- Jozii Ruiz
- Quamanic St Pierre
- Dawn Thomas
- Rich Vance
- Peter Zarabozo
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