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UHP at 24 CT AFL-CIO '24

Our 22 delegates to the CT AFL-CIO's 15th biennial political convention represent more than 10% of the body at the Omni New Haven Hotel June 27 and 28. In all, 214 delegates and two alternates represented 89 local unions, labor chapters, building trades councils, and area labor federations.

newer delegates
Some of our first- and second-time delegates with CT AFL-CIO President Ed Hawthorne (4th from left): Ryan Pesce, Amy Moffo, Jackie Godin, Paul Banach, Brandon Mulcunry, Rich Vance, Shaneé Reid

CT AFL-CIO stands for the Connecticut affiliate of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.

See the CT AFL-CIO's endorsed candidates in the 2024 elections.

delegates listening during plenary session
Robyn Roark, Alyssa D'Ostillio, Christine Judd, Ryan Pesce, Peter Zarabozo, Paul Banach, Pierre LePage, Marsha Murray, Shawn Brown, Michelle Proper, Bill Garrity, Rich Vance, Jackie Godin, Amy Moffo, Liz Figueroa
Jean speaking from convention floor
Chief Steward Jean Morningstar speaks in favor of endorsing Shellye Davis in the 2nd Senate district primary.

“My takeaways as a first-time delegate are, we are a modern labor movement that endorses candidates who try to address the challenges of our time, at the federal, state, and local levels, with a focus on (1) expanding state and local organizing capacity and gaining multi-union solidarity, and (2) collective bargaining, national coalitions on workers' rights, racial injustice, equality, workplace safety, and preserving the middle-class job and workplace” says Amy Moffo., an administrative program assistant in nursing staffing/payroll. “The convention brought together key engineers in the labor movement and served as a political call to action in the upcoming months’ efforts to mobilize on behalf of labor-friendly candidates in the 2024 elections.”

Peter Zarabozo speaking from convention floor
VP Tier II (hourly) Employees Peter Zarabozo questions the "no endorsement" recommendation in the second state Senate district.

Our 2024 CT AFL-CIO delegates:

  • Bill Garrity (ranking)                   
  • Paul Banach       
  • Elizabeth Barrientos
  • Shawn Brown 
  • Chris DeFrancesco
  • Alyssa D’Ostilio
  • Elizabeth Figueroa
  • Jackie Godin
  • Christine Judd
  • Pierre LePage
  • Amy Moffo
  • Jean Morningstar
  • Brandon Mulcunry
  • Marsha Murray
  • Ryan Pesce
  • Michelle Proper
  • Shaneé Reid
  • Robin Roark
  • Connie Simons
  • Dawn Thomas
  • Rich Vance
  • Peter Zarabozo
delegates listening during plenary session
Bill Garrity, Rich Vance, Jackie Godin, Amy Moffo, Liz Figueroa

“Attending the AFL CIO state convention was a great experience,” says first-time delegate Ryan Pesce, a nurse in outpatient neurology. “I learned that even though our workplace and jobs might be different, the challenges we face and our goals are very much the same. Being a union member should be a priority for all American workers in 2024.”

delegates listening during plenary session
Connie Simons, Shaneé Reid, Liz Barrientos (far back, Pierre LePage, Marsha Murray, Shawn Brown, Michelle Proper, Jean Morningstar, Robyn Roark, Alyssa D'Ostillio, Christine Judd)

Resolutions Passed

  • Resolution #1: Commit Full Support to the Labor 2024 Program 
  • Resolution #2: Commit to Speaking Out Against Racial Profiling Including Violations of the CROWN Act 
  • Resolution #3: Racial Justice and the Role of the Connecticut AFL-CIO: An Injury to One is an Injury to All 

“This year showed me that I’m here for a reason and my voice needs to be heard” says VP for Membership Activities Shaneé Reid. Either you stand for something or you will fall for anything. Giving up is not an option. This year we had to deal with tough situations, however, we got through it, and we were able to still stand.”

In addition to passing several resolutions intended to advance labor priorities, we voted to endorse candidates running for state and federal office. 

“Many of those running are active labor members. There is no one better to sit at the table representing you than your union brother or sister. They will absolutely always have your best interest and always vote for the betterment of labor,” says VP for Political Activities Dawn Thomas

guest speaker escorted into convention
Sergeants-at-arms escort AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond into the hall.

“These candidates need our help. Please consider volunteering some time to help get them elected. In this current political climate, it is vital we are all engaged.”

Liz and Robyn in workshop
Liz Barrientos and Robyn Roark at a workshop on the Freedom of Information Act

For example, CT AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Shellye Davis is seeking the nomination for the 2nd District Senate seat. UHP supported her endorsement in the primary, but the final overall vote was to not endorse a candidate in that race. Those who wish to learn more about Shellye’s campaign can do so at

Look for additional information about how to get involved in the effort to elect labor-friendly candidates in the weeks and months.

“This conference was very informative and I learned a great deal about how to become politically active to strengthen our union,” says first-time delegate Brandon Mulcunry, a fiscal coordinator in the dental school. “It was very nice to see workers from all different trades and fields come together for a common goal.”

6 delegates
Jackie Godin, Amy Moffo, Liz Figueroa, Ryan Pesce, Peter Zarabozo, Paul Banach
Bill speaking from convention floor
UHP President Bill Garrity asks Sen. Chris Murphy about his support in the fight against privatization efforts at UConn Health.
DeFran speaking from convention floor
VP for Communication Chris DeFrancesco asks about growing the presence of labor-friendly lawmakers at the state Capitol.

“I really enjoyed the convention; it gave me a nice introduction to the political landscape in CT from the labor perspective,” says first-time delegate Paul Banach, an intensive care unit nurse. “What struck me the most was some of the history shared, such as historic strikes and landmark legal decisions that helped shape the labor movement in our country, and consequently the middle class. The convention helped me build my sense of connection and solidarity with other workers in Connecticut, across the country, and across generations. From the convention, I can see clearly how I’m not just a nurse at UConn Health, but a member of a larger community across Connecticut working toward a better future for all working people. After all, one job should be enough to afford food, housing, a family, and a comfortable life. I’m proud to be a union member and to stand on the right side of history with the AFL-CIO.”

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