When does our new contract take effect?
The contract covers the four-year period from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2025. Each of the first three years includes annual general wage increases (GWI) and step increases, so nearly all of the additional pay for the first year will be retroactive.
When will we see the $3,500 lump-sum and retroactive raises? (updated 5/18)
According to what the Office of the State Comptroller tells SEBAC as of May 18:
- June 17 paycheck (direct deposit June 16):
$2,500 special lump-sum payment plus adjustment of our current pay rates moving forward to reflect both the Year 1 general wage increase (GWI) of 2.5% and Year 1 step increase for year 2021-2022.
- July 15 paycheck (direct deposit July 14):
Back pay on both the Year 1 GWI of 2.5% (retroactive to July 2021) and Year 1 step increase (retroactive to January 2022). Note: Payroll needs time to accurately calculate this for ~43,000 state employees.
- July 29 paycheck (direct deposit July 28):
Adjustment of our pay rates to reflect the Year 2 GWI of 2.5% plus the remaining $1,000 of the special lump sum.
- January 2023:
Adjustment of our pay rates to reflect the Year 2 step increase.
(The combined $3,500 lump-sum amount is prorated based on FTE.)
What if I'm out on leave, do I see any of this money?
If you are eligible for the bonus and/or back pay but are on paid leave at the time of these payments, you'll get the payments as scheduled. If you're on unpaid leave when the payments are distributed, you'll be paid retroactively when you return to work and start getting regular paychecks again.
When can we see the new pay plan?
The grids, which we now have, will be part of the final contract document.
What about the taxes on all this extra pay?
It is pay so it indeed is subject to income tax. Your withholdings for the paycheck(s) with the additional income likely will be higher than what you're used to seeing. It's important to understand that those withholdings go toward offsetting your overall income tax burden for the year. You of course are free to adjust your withholdings, but understand if you do, that may impact your refund (or amount you owe) when you file your 2022 taxes next year. Of course you should consult a tax professional for specific advice. Be assured that if you're paying more in income taxes in a given paycheck, all that really means is you're earning more. You "pay now or pay later."
When are we signing the contract?
We usually arrange a time to meet with management to sign the collective bargaining agreement. We have not scheduled that yet.
When are we getting our new contract books?
We don't have a timetable for getting the books printed yet. We'll communicate those details when we have them. You can be sure the books will be available at our information tables when we have them