The results of UHP's 2023 officer elections are in — with members voting in Shaneé Reid as VP for Membership Activities and returning Summer Lambert as Recording Secretary.
Shaneé edged out Elizabeth Figueroa in a rematch from last fall's special election that saw Liz win by three votes. This time, Shaneé won by a margin of 409 to 369, or 52.6% to 47.4%.
"I would like to thank everyone who took time out to vote" Shaneé says. "I’m grateful for the opportunity to be the Vice President for Membership Activities. With this opportunity I would like to get us back to what UHP was created for, unity, togetherness, laughs, and great times. COVID had us shut down for some time, so I would be using this role to get us back to living and enjoying the company of our peers. I heard the voice of the people and I’m excited to get things rolling!"

Members voted Summer back in over challenger Elizabeth Barrientos by a margin of 436 to 327, or 57.1% to 42.9%.
"I want to say thank you to all who voted and who voted for me to represent our union," Summer says. "It is an honor to be re-elected as your Recording Secretary and I'm looking forward to working with our members for the next three years."
Both will be sworn in for a full three-year term in July.
Voter turnout was 781, representing 28.4% of the eligible membership.
UHP would like to thank the candidates for running, the members for voting, and the Elections Committee for organizing and overseeing the process.