APRIL 6, 2020 — Dawn Thomas, an application architect of systems integration in the Department of Information Technology, rejoins the UHP Executive Committee, now in the role of vice president for political activities.
Dawn had served as VP for membership activities from 2004 through 2014 and previously had served as a steward and union rep.
“My goal is to get our members more engaged in the political activities that have the greatest impact on them and keep them educated,” Dawn says.
Robin Washington Addison, who’s been the VP for political activities since 2016, is now VP for community outreach. Trisha Faraday resigned from the outreach position in January.
Dawn is an active volunteer for the Susan G Komen More than Pink Walk, serves on the Wallingford little league board as the safety commissioner and as an assistant coach, recently finished her den leader position for Cub Scouts, and now serves on my sons Boys Scouts Troop committee. But her favorite role is that of Mom to her 11-year-old son, J.