‘Free Rider’
A ‘free rider’ is a term used for an employee in a bargaining unit job who benefits from the contract without contributing to support the union by paying dues.
Union Shop
A union shop is a private-sector term used for when employees are required to join the union representing their job classification. Union shops help ensure strong contract enforcement and collective bargaining power.
A grievance is a dispute between union member and management handled through procedure outlined in the contract. This usually is unique to each union's collective bargaining agreement.
CBA Expiration
A collective bargaining agreement expiration is the date when a contract's provisions end. If a new CBA is not in place by this date, the union can extend the old contract while bargaining continues, work without a contract, or strike (rare, only as a last resort, and illegal for CT state employees).

The collective bargaining agreement represents one of most significant benefits of uniting with coworkers for strength on job. Management promises are temporary; union contracts are in writing.
Bargaining in Good Faith
This is the legal principal that compels employers to negotiate when they don't want to. Employers are not supposed to make certain changes without bargaining with the union or bypass the union and deal directly with employees.
Collective Bargaining
One of the most fundamental benefits of choosing to unite with colleagues to harness the power of a collective voice in the workplace: Working people, through their unions, negotiate contracts with their employers to determine their terms of employment.
Your Rights at Work
The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), Section 7, guarantees employees certain rights, including the right to self-organize, discuss organizing efforts, sign petitions/cards without fear of retaliation, and distribute literature.
Arbitration is a means for settling labor disputes through a neutral and independent third party instead of relying on the court system or job actions, such as strikes or lock-outs
Weingarten Rights
Did you know, union members don’t have to be alone when questioned by their employer? A 1975 SCOTUS decision established Weingarten Rights.
Loudermill Rights
How members can assure Loudermill Rights are upheld when facing allegations by employer; vital due process protections for public employees.
Garrity Rights
Do you know your Garrity Rights? A 1966 U.S. Supreme Court ruling protects public employees from incriminating themselves during investigatory interviews with employers.
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