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State Budget Proposals Demand Action

The governor presented his proposed 2017 state budget package in a Feb. 8 speech that should serve as a call to action for all union members. As expected, his plan looks a lot like the same one he put forward last year — again premised on austerity policies that threaten our state's quality of life.
As a union, we know that this fight is too big to be waged alone; the way forward is to mobilize union members and engage our communities. Working together is what our grassroots legislative program is all about — and there are numerous opportunities to get involved in the days and weeks ahead:
Join me in pledging to fight for a better future not just for ourselves and our families, but for our students, patients and everyone who depends on us. I welcome your thoughts, suggestions and your commitment to be "all in" to fight forward.
More to come, and in solidarity,
Jan Hochadel

President, AFT Connecticut

P.S. Click here for the response of the state's labor movement to the governor's budget, which included my remarks.

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