The administration’s contract with the Cain Brothers to do “an analysis of the health care market” was just made public. We are holding a hospital-wide information session on what the governor’s team is telling us and what we’re hearing about his plans. We are looking through it now to see what if any directives are in there. I would like to remind everyone, this is not the first time we’ve gone through this type of thing; this will be our fourth privatization fight since 2008. We have already booked Keller Auditorium for March 1 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. We have invited Comptroller Sean Scanlon to join us that day. All the labor unions are going to be joining us. I would expect Keller to be standing room only; please join us if you can. We need to show how we feel about our jobs here at UConn Health.
We need to remind everyone:
UConn Health is our public hospital for the public good.
—In solidarity, Bill Garrity