UHP's registered delegates:
- Bill Garrity (ranking)
- Paul Banach
- Elizabeth Barrientos
- Shawn Brown
- Chris DeFrancesco
- Alyssa D’Ostilio
- Elizabeth Figueroa
- Jackie Godin
- Dan Hannon
- Christine Judd
- Summer Lambert
- Pierre LePage
- Amy Moffo
- Jean Morningstar
- Brandon Mulcunry
- Marsha Murray
- Ryan Pesce
- Michelle Proper
- Shanee Reid
- Robin Roark
- Connie Simons
- Dawn Thomas
- Rich Vance
- Peter Zarabozo
See full delegate election results.
June 3 message to delegates from CT AFL-CIO President Ed Hawthorne
Dear Connecticut AFL-CIO Convention Delegate:
Thank you for registering for the Connecticut AFL-CIO's 15th Biennial Political Convention!
At this convention, delegates will vote on endorsements for political candidates, receive training in an array of workshops, consider amending the constitution, prepare for the critical 2024 election season, and much more.
Here are some important details about this convention:
Dates and Times: The convention will convene at 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 27th and conclude on Friday, June 28th at the close of business in the afternoon.
Location: The convention will be held at the Omni New Haven Hotel, which is located at 155 Temple St, New Haven, CT 06510. When you arrive, please take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor (mezzanine level; M in elevator).
Parking: For day parking, bring your parking voucher to the check-in desk for the discounted rate. For hotel guests, overnight parking will be charged to your room.
Parking Option 1: Omni Hotel Garage, 155 Temple Street / $14 per day or $20 for overnight guests of the Omni (6’ clearance)
Parking Option 2: Temple Street Garage, 1 Temple Street / $14 per day (6’ clearance)
Important note: The Crown Street Garage is no longer available for discount parking. You can still park at this garage, but will have to pay the full rate.
Check-in: Delegate check-in begins at 8:00 AM on Thursday, June 27th on the mezzanine level just outside the ballroom. To check-in, please bring some form of identification (union card, driver's license, etc.).
Hotel Reservations: Make hotel reservations directly with the Omni using this reservation link. Deadline to book a hotel room with our discounted rate has been extended to June 23 pending room availability. The room rate is $199.00 per night plus taxes and fees.
New Delegate Orientation: There will be an orientation for first-time convention delegates on Thursday, June 27th at 9:15 a.m. at the Omni in the Church Room. Information will include an overview of the convention, parliamentary procedure, rules, when you're able to speak on the floor, the voting process, and more.
Fundraiser: We will be holding a fundraiser reception for New Haven Rising, a community organization of residents committed to winning economic, racial, and social justice through collective action. The fundraiser will be held at BAR in New Haven on Thursday, June 27 at 5:00 p.m. Tickets are $75 and include 12 different types of pizzas, 2 drink tickets, and music. Click here to purchase tickets.
Look for future convention updates that will include more details about the agenda, resolutions, and workshops. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David C. Dal Zin at ddalzin@ctaflcio.org.
I look forward to seeing you at convention.
In solidarity,
Ed Hawthorne, President
Connecticut AFL-CIO