- President
- First Vice President
- Recording Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President Communications
- Vice President Political Activities
- Vice President Membership Activities
- Vice President for Community Outreach
There will also be a handful of opportunities for more union involvement by members who might be interested in becoming a delegate to various conventions and councils. Delegate nominations this year will be for:
- AFT-CT Convention, May 9, Aqua Turf
(includes registration and release time if available) - AFT National Convention, July 27-30, Houston
(includes release time, airfare, registration, hotel, and per diem) - CT State AFL-CIO Convention, date/location TBD
(includes registration, release time, parking and mileage) - AFT-CT Delegate Assembly
(meeting dates April 9, Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Rocky Hill) - Eastern CT Area Labor Federation
- Greater Bristol Labor Federation Council
- Greater Hartford Labor Coalition
Nominations for both officers and delegates must be turned into the UHP office by the close of the first business day in February, which will be 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3.
This also is the deadline for proposed constitutional amendments to bring to the floor of our annual business convention in April.
UHP Constitution (Amended April 2019)
If you have any questions regarding the election and the positions open for nomination or you have an interest on being on the Election Committee, please contact Laura Didden at ldidden@uhp3837.com.