The past 18 months have presented us as health professionals with some of the toughest challenges of our careers. That's why we've organized another virtual session of AFT Connecticut's workshop focusing on the many legal issues facing healthcare union members. Plan now to join us:
- WHAT: Legal issues for Healthcare Workers Webinar
- WHEN: Monday, December 27 from 5:00PM to 6:30PM
- WHERE: Online via Zoom (access info will be provided once registered)
- How: Click here to register (no cost for affiliated union members)
This webinar is being presented by attorneys Eric Chester and James Demetriades, whose firm provides legal counsel for AFT Connecticut and affiliated locals. They will cover topics like workplace safety complaints, employer COVID-19 vaccination policies, occupational safety and health rules, Worker's Compensation benefits and more.
Click here for more information to share with fellow union members.
I hope you can join us online next month for this informative course on where you stand and what rights you have to union representation.
More to come, and in solidarity,
Sherri Dayton, RN
Vice President for Healthcare, AFT Connecticut