It's happening this time! We promise! Our social media training originally scheduled for last month is coming up on Feb. 13.
Leaders of AFT Connecticut-affiliated healthcare unions are invited to learn how to use communication tools that focus on applying social media to our labor movement. Join us next month to gain skills in creating new avenues of communication and engagement both with your membership and your community:
WHAT: Healthcare Union Leaders Social Media Training
WHEN: Monday, Febr. 13, from 6 to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Via Zoom (access info will be provided once registered)
HOW: Click here to register to participate
Which union leaders should attend this course? Local presidents, secretaries, stewards and building reps, communication and political action committee chairs and members; anyone who wants to learn to harness the power of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Click here for more information, include a flyer to share with fellow leaders.
I hope you'll plan to join us online for this popular course presented by AFT Connecticut Communications Coordinator Matt O'Connor and Associate Rosemary Picarelli.
More to come, and in solidarity,
Sherri Dayton, RN
Vice President for Nurses & Health Professionals, AFT Connecticut