(as of Feb. 20, 2025)
The Elections Committee announces we have four valid nominations for officer positions (pictured above from left to right):
- Marsha Murray-Omega, VP Tier I (salaried) Employees
- Peter Zarabozo, VP Tier II (hourly) Employees
- Randi Schiavi, VP for Community Outreach
- Jean Morningstar, Chief Steward
There will be no need for an election for our officer positions.
Five proposed constitutional amendments were submitted for consideration at our business convention April 25.
The following members were nominated for delegate to the AFT CT Convention:
(Strikethrough indicates the member declined the nomination.)
Addison, Robin
Banach, Paul
Barrientos, Liz
Bartos, Meg
Bates, Isolde
Brown, Shawn
Carlson, Jessie
DeFrancesco, ChrisDidden, Laura
Figueroa, Liz
Garrity, Bill
Judd, ChristineLambert, Summer
Lepage, Pierre
Morningstar, Jean
Murray, Marsha
Proper, Michelle
Reid, Shanee
Rhodes, Tonika
Roark, Robyn
Schiavi, Randi
Simons, Connie
St. Pierre, Quamanic
Thomas, Dawn
Vance, Rich
Zarabozo, Peter
The following members were nominated for delegate to the CT AFL-CIO convention:
Banach, Paul
Barrientos, Liz
Bartos, Meg
Bates, Isolde
Brown, Shawn
Carlson, Jessie
DeFrancesco, Chris
Didden, Laura
Figueroa, Liz
Garrity, Bill
Judd, Christine
Lambert, Summer
LePage, Pierre
Morningstar, Jean
Murray, Marsha
Pesce, Ryan
Proper, Michelle
Reid, Shanee
Rhodes, Tonika
Roark, Robyn
Schiavi, Randi
Simons, Connie
St. Pierre, Quamanic
Thomas, Dawn
Valentino, Gloria
Vance, Rich
Zarabozo, Peter
The following members were nominated for delegate to the AFT CT delegate assembly:
(Strikethrough indicates the member declined the nomination.)
Bartos, Meg
Brown, Shawn
Carlson, JessieDeFrancesco, ChrisDidden, Laura
Figueroa, Liz
Judd, Christine
Morningstar, Jean
Murray, Marsha
Proper, Michelle
Roark, Robyn
Schiavi, Randi
Simons, Connie
St. Pierre, Quamanic
Thomas, Dawn
Vance, Rich
Zarabozo, Peter
The following nominations were received for delegate to the Eastern Connecticut Area Labor Federation:
Brown, Shawn
Figueroa, Liz
Morningstar, Jean
Proper, Michelle
The following nominations were received for delegate to the Greater Hartford Labor Council:
Brown, Shawn
Morningstar, Jean
Proper, Michelle
St. Pierre, Quamanic
We received no nominations for delegate to the Greater Bristol Labor Council.
We will not need to hold delegate elections this year.