We’re calling all members to our annual business convention, Friday, April 25, at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville.
In addition to a brief business agenda that includes a state of our union, awards presentations, scholarships, and a vote on constitutional amendments, we’ll have hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, dinner and music. It’s a great way to enjoy an evening of fellowship with our union siblings and celebrate our accomplishments.
Be sure to RSVP to vpmembershipactivities@uhp3837.com by April 21.
Five proposed constitutional amendments were submitted for consideration at our business convention April 25. One since has been withdrawn. Here's a brief description of each remaining:
- Reduces the minimum absentee balloting period from five days to three days when an we hold online voting
- Establishes and defines an organizing committee
- Provides additional guidance on expectations for the position of VP for Community outreach
- Changes close of call for nominations from Feb. 1 to first business day in February