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What Does My Union Do for Me?

explanation of benefits showing zero cost to member

The benefit of collectively bargained benefits

Every worker deserves access to great health care. Gains at the bargaining table help set standards for all working people (even those on the other side of that table, in many cases!).

July 5, 2023; Updated with video Aug. 4, 2023:

Ten members ranging in experience from new activist to officer complete a member organizing workshop, building a foundation to build engagement and grow our union's power.


Our VP for communication tells of the rapport he's built with his new state rep as an illustration of the importance of talking to our elected officials.

Lorrie Tripp, longtime UHP steward and former officer, has called it a career after three decades with UConn Health. We thank her for her service and wish her the best in retirement! MORE
Congratulations to UConn Health's winners of 2023 Nightingale Awards for Excellence in Nursing — all six of whom are UHP members! MORE

A list of our Tier 1A job titles