Wanted: Members in patient-care positions to represent UHP on the UConn Health Employee Safety and Health Committee (informally known as the worker's comp committee)
We are always looking for members who step up their involvement by joining a UHP committee or by representing UHP on UConn Health or affiliate committees. Find a committee that interests you and get in touch with the appropriate contact person -- Active members grow our union's power!
UHP leadership recently posted an update on a decision by management to start bringing in nurses at the CN3 level, in what we believe to be in clear violation of our contract.
UPDATE (Jan. 24): We had our Step 2 grievance hearing this morning, argued by President Bill Garrity, 1st VP Ivonne Hamm, Chief Steward Jean Morningstar, and junior steward Gloria Valentino (CN2).
Are you considering retiring in the next few years? Here's an updated document from SEBAC outlining the changes in retiree benefits that take effect July 1, 2022.
Plus, an additional resource from SEBAC and AFT CT's Ed Leavey