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Take Action

Please read this important message from AFT President Randi Weingarten.


Our VP for communication tells of the rapport he's built with his new state rep as an illustration of the importance of talking to our elected officials.

Here's your chance to meet in small groups with state lawmakers and make sure they know (1) we're paying attention, (2) we vote, and (3) we're counting on their support at the Capitol for issues important to working families, health care workers, and public employees. Plus, there's an easy online tool to find out who your elected officials are. MORE
Please see this important message from AFT President Randi Weingarten and her leadership team. And happy Labor Day! MORE
Many of our officers and members already have written their lawmakers urging them to support the SEBAC agreement that would enact our contract. Here's what one state rep had to say in reply. MORE
See this important announcement about our next contract. MORE

Our elected officials have a say in our future as state employees, so it's important they hear from us!

Find out who your elected officials are and how to reach them by using this tool on the Connecticut General Assembly's website:


All I want for Xmas is respect

But respect is nowhere to be found at the bargaining table!

Help get the word out to fellow members — print and share this flyer today!