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Take Action

contract cover 21-25

What do you want to see in our next contract?

What should we fight like hell to protect?

We have prepared a questionnaire to help our negotiating team identify our priorities as we prepare to negotiate our next contract.

Reply by Friday, Dec. 13!

Our brothers and sisters at the Connecticut Police and Fire Union need our help! Find out what you can do. 

Join Us Friday, March 24, to Defend Our Rights
We are joining thousands of union members Friday, March 24, at the State Capitol in Hartford to resist the attacks on working people.
The legislature's budget-writing committee has raised dozens of anti-worker bills for public hearing. We must come together to resist all legislation attacking working people, whether they are union members or not. 
The hearing will run late into the evening and there will be multiple actions to take part in, so come when you can any time, beginning at 10:00AM. 
Wear your AFT tee-shirt to show we're "all in" to fight forward to protect and preserve Connecticut's quality of life for all our communities. 
Thanks, and see you on the 24th at the State Capitol!

Regional Legislative Meetings


This is a great way to meet elected officials who will have a say in our future as state employees. We literally get a seat at the table with lawmakers, giving us the opportunity to share our concerns. No longer can we sit idly by and count on things to go our way at the State Capitol. Next one is Tuesday, April 11, 5:30 p.m. in Bridgeport. Get involved!

Following is a memo from the Working Families Party 


Feb. 21: Your Pension Is Under Attack!


A message from 1st VP Ivonne Hamm:

We have been getting lots of questions about our retirement benefits and what's going to happen to them. This is an opportunity to make a difference, let our Legislators know what we think and feel. If anyone would like to testify let me know. But what I'm asking for is that members show up and support those who are testifying. We want to pack the room.

Learn more here:

PDF icon hb5552_removing_pensions_form_collective_bargaining_alert.pdf

The governor presented his proposed 2017 state budget package in a Feb. 8 speech that should serve as a call to action for all union members. As expected, his plan looks a lot like the same one he put forward last year — again premised on austerity policies that threaten our state's quality of life.

Anti-worker politicians in the Connecticut legislature are trying to silence the voices of teachers, firefighters and all public employees and strip their rights to negotiate a better future. A proposed bill would roll-back the ability to collectively bargain over pensions or medical insurance, stealing working families’ access to affordable care or retirement security.
Join us at the public hearing on this bill and help build resistance to attacks on working families at the State Capitol.

Get Involved in UConn Health's Nursing Journey to Excellence!


  • If you are considering joining one of the councils, please find the detailed description of each council's function/accountability to aid in your selection.
  • It's easy to join, simply send an email to Sue Ellen Goodrich indicating your interest along with the name of the council that you would like to join.

Download printer-friendly version here:
PDF icon 170107_get_involved.pdf


Following is from AFT Connecticut:

Gov. Malloy’s reference to "state employee concessions" during his "State of the State" address may give some the impression that the governor expects a small minority of the population to resolve Connecticut's fiscal challenges. The reality is that the scope of the problems facing us all requires a broader, far more comprehensive approach.

As always, our union is willing to work with state elected leaders to find a way forward in a difficult economic environment. Our members do important work and are an economic asset.

Click here for the Economic Policy