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Elizabeth Figueroa edges Shaneé Reid by a narrow margin in one of the closest elections in UHP history. MORE
UHP and UConn Health management reach an agreement to bring radiology staff salaries more in line with the market. President Bill Garrity explains.

(Updated with years of experience and corresponding steps for diagnostic techs)

Our clinical staff vacation request period is upon us, and with that comes a friendly reminder about our contract language on this process. MORE
Please see this important update from AFT's health and safety team: "What AFT Members Need to Know to Protect Themselves From Polio." MORE
For the first time since 2018, delegates from among the 1.7 members of American Federation of Teachers locals throughout the country assembled in person, including delegates from UHP, July 14-17 in Boston. MORE
We sent 16 delegates to the CT AFL-CIO convention, June 23-24 at Foxwoods, a fitting location, where 2,000 employees are represented by five bargaining units! See this year's endorsed candidates, plus photos and video highlights. MORE