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Watch Our VP Comms Speak at AFT Convention

Chris DeFrancesco, our VP for communication, speaks in favor of the resolution "Fighting The Harmful Impacts Of Private Equity On Our Economy, Public Pension Funds And Healthcare System" at the AFT convention in Houston July 23, 2024:

Notification of special election image

We hereby announce a special election for the vacant VP Tier I (salaried) Employees office.

DeFran speaking on convention floor

Calling current and future members of our communications committee — Please let us know when you're available to meet!

newer delegates

A recap of our presence at the CT AFL-CIO's 15th biennial political convention

See the CT AFL-CIO's endorsed candidates in the 2024 elections.

public hospital public good button

Perhaps UHP President Bill Garrity said it best, telling the CT Mirror:

“Taxpayer investments should not be used to boost private profits at the expense of patient care and over my dead body would I allow my members, who provide vital services at an affordable rate, to lose the critical benefits they rely on so that they can show up to work each day.”

Plus, read on for the latest statement from SEBAC. 

Ray in AFT shirt from 2010

We wish Ray Bennettson a happy retirement! Ray arrived in 1996 and has been involved with UHP since very early in his UConn Health career, including as a steward, negotiating team member, convention delegate, UHP representative at SEBAC, and as an elected officer for the last 11 years.