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Prudence Crandall Center logo from Twitter

The Prudence Crandall Center has a dire need for baby supplies and the American Legion's coat drive continues.

Learn more from VP for Community Outreach Robin Washington Addison about how you can help.


Resolve to Make a Better Life for All in 2024

This video message from AFT CT President Jan Hochadel says it all about what we face in 2024. Please take five minutes to watch:

What Does My Union Do for Me?

explanation of benefits showing zero cost to member

The benefit of collectively bargained benefits

Every worker deserves access to great health care. Gains at the bargaining table help set standards for all working people (even those on the other side of that table, in many cases!).

Jozii one of three showing books

Nov. 3, 2023

Thanks to our Jozii Ruiz and AFT's Reading Opens the World initiative, underserved families in the Hartford area have access to books to help kids cope.

AFT's Melanie Boyer has the story.

Rob Sutton with Army in Sarajevo

Meet some of our members who are serving or who have served in the military.

Thank you for your service!

CT governor's seal

Oct. 6, 2023

Governor Lamont and Comptroller Scanlon Announce Connecticut Residents Can Now Sign Up for Prescription Drug Discount Card

Free Discount Card Enables Consumers To Receive Savings on Certain Prescription Drugs

Details in this news release from the Lamont administration